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Retired nuclear scientist living in Hawaii. Owner of Cirrus since 1996. Sixteen Pacific Ocean crossings to date including two Transpacs and 7 PacCup races. Detailed resume at
Ulli Steiner
I am looking forward to my 6th Pacific Cup this summer!
After doing the 1998 race on the 66' three mast schooner Millennium Falcon, the next ones in 2000, 2004, 2006, and 2008 were all on Cirrus. Now on to PCup 2010!
Caroline Heinrich
see my sailing resume.
Kathy McGraw
see my sailing resume.
Ric Villalobos
Mark Denzer
see info here.
Chris Doutre
see my sailing resume.
Kate Schalk
see info here.
Kim Ickler
Lou Ickler
Lou is currently Vice Commodore at Kaneohe Yacht Club; read about him in the Telltales
Donna Austin
Ron Dodini
Agnes Doutre
Dave Littlejohn
Mike Pardee
CEA (Chief Electrical Adviser) to Cirrus