Sunday, July 18, 2010

In Memoriam of the King

The sad news reached us this morning: Pegasus had crossed the finish line. A quick calculation showed that apart from airlifting Cirrus there was no way to catch up with them. We had to face the reality that we will soon be separated from the King!

The crew broke out in tears during this morning's mourning in the crypta of Cirrus with the cloud paintings on the blue walls, and some needed to drown their sorrow in alcohol (bummer, had only apple cider left; also note the horizon - we had a bit of heel in the washing machine).

What would happen to the King now? Will they take equally good care of HIM as we did? And give HIM the place of honor HE so richly deserves? Questions over questions came to our minds, which we couldn't answer, but only hope for the best.

A last thing remains to be said:
From the crew of Cirrus - Congratulations to Pegasus!

Mahalo to all Friends of Cirrus, who were so supportive in the lost fight,
Aloha, Ulli


  1. Long live to the King! Well, the King will miss Cirrus and Bill, so it is possible that he will be back to them in the next Pacific Cup???
    Good picture and we can tell you all were really crying :( for the King. Long live to the King. Aloha, Maria Lucia

  2. Aloha Ulli,
    wir trauern mit Euch, haben (beinahe) Tränen in den Augen. Aber zweiter Sieger ist doch auch etwas, oder?
    Auf jeden Fall habt Ihr einen schönen Törn gehabt und Abwechlung war ja auch genügend.
    Wir haben mit Vergnügen Eure Kommentare verfolgt.
    Nun wünschen wir der gesamten Crew schöne Tage der Erholung auf festem Boden.
    Auf Wiedersehen in Erkrath!

    Tantchen u. Wolfgang

  3. Ah, well, you are all royalty in our minds. The King will miss you. We greeted nemesis Green Buffalo this afternoon. We have seen them at the end of many races, both as adversaries and just as observers. Mary said it was the bumpiest crossing she has ever made. Cudos to you who have done it - and we look forward to your arrival. See you soon!
    Kim and Lou

  4. A wondrous journey by an extraordinary cast of courageous intellectual characters (crew). God bless you all on your safe return home and for the wonderful memories and tales that will follow you for years to come. You are all champions indeed! Fair winds...

