Saturday, July 10, 2010

Let's See. If This Is Saturday, We Must Be Half Way To........................

From Bill.

At 36-17, 132-25 on Saturday, July 10, 2010. Making 7-8+ knots at 245m in 17-20 knots of wind, dead on the beam.
Boy O Boy no change in hardly anything except that the wonderful blue sky and bright sun have disappeared once again into cold, cold and grey. Funny how it comes and goes in a flash.

Lots of electrical problems. Apparently the batteries are getting tired. Occupies more and more of my time each day. Not what I want to be doing. Rather be sailing and enjoying my companions. Unfortunately there is no choice. Once committed to all this technology you have to try and keep it running.

That's it for now. Sorry to cut this short but I smell dinner. Big event of the day.

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  1. Bummer about the batteries! We probably should have installed that treadmill!
    Stay warm and well

  2. Hallo Ulli, herzliche Grüße an Dich u. die Crew
    aus dem "heißen" Hamburg. Wir braten hier bei 34
    Grad, Abkühlung ist in den nächsten Tagen nicht in Sicht. Den Bildern nach zu urteilen ist die
    Crew diesmal etwas jünger, bringt das bessere
    Leistung? Wir drücken Euch ganz heftig die Daumen für steten, kräftigen Wind und wenig Zwischenfälle.
    Klärchen u. Wolfgang

  3. What did you have for dinner? A couple of days ago Jun and I visited the monastery "Kloster Andechs" and bought a so-called stick-fish (German: Steckerlfisch), which is a barbecued version of a fish, with a very yummy crust! We had a mackerel (but fresh water fish such as trout, are also popular stick-fish). Yesterday we barbecued a trout while watching the German soccer game win third place!

    If the wind is bad and the batteries are dead, you could also consider rowing, to work out a little :-)

    Wishing you more wind and some flying fish! ~ Jun and Melanie

    Greetings from Trudi and Karl to Ulli!

  4. Für Ulli: Bezüglich der Hitze in Deutschland hier noch eine Kurznachricht vom ZDF: "Dramatische Stunden im ICE: In mehreren Zügen ist am Wochenende bei Außentemperaturen von knapp 40 Grad die Klimaanlage ausgefallen. In einem ICE brachen Schüler zusammen. Eine Schwangere versuchte, für Frischluft die Scheibe einzuschlagen." dpa 11.7.2010
